Search-engine optimization is not nebulous
Long gone are the days of thousand-page, 14-pound, yellow-page directories on everyone’s desk. Today when you want to find a company (or a person), you turn to the web. You might use a computer, a smartphone, a tablet, or some other internet-connected device, but regardless of the technology, you let your fingers do the clicking — in the search field of your favorite search engine.
Every company wants to rank well in search engines. This is akin to naming your company AAA Plumbing — you appear first in the yellow pages and therefore get the majority of calls from new customers. Adding meta data to your site is not enough. You need to be active in social media, contributing to a blog, commenting at other blogs, news releases, press announcements, email campaigns, and more. The more information you put out there about your company, the better you will fare. Linking all of the sources together adds critical validation. You can see for yourself how this works by typing in the name of our founder, Cyndie Shaffstall. No matter where you are in the world, you will immediately receive a list that includes her social-media accounts, press stories about her, links to her books that are sold online, and much more. This is the ideal result of search-engine optimization (SEO).
Search engines don’t return random results, they are quite intelligent. They are so advanced that they actually send out automated mini-applications — called spiders or robots — to have a look around every site on the web and take notes about what can be found on that site. This is called indexing. One way you can guide the indexing process of your site is through the process of search-engine optimization, or SEO, and that usually begins with passing the spider meta data. Meta data is text embedded in the programming of your site and includes information such as descriptions, author bios, copyrights, and, most importantly, keywords. Keywords and keyphrases are lists of words and phrases that notify the search spider what type of content it will find on your site. If you add keywords to your site and the spider finds those same words used on the pages of your site, your validation is increased. If you use keywords and phrases not found on your site, you can be relegated to the far reaches of search results.
Search spiders don’t just index your site, they also index links found in your site to further validate your information. That’s why a search of your name can turn up your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and blog accounts as well. Take a moment to give that a try; launch your preferred search engine and type in your name. Does it provide the results you would expect? When you are active on the web in multiple venues and the venues are connected — either by keyphrases (such as your name) or links — the search spider will follow links from one source to another. When the spider finds the same type of information at all or most of the sources, your validation score raises.
If you search for the phrase Denver restaurant, and the search engine returns results about John Denver, you might try different search terms or you might try another search engine. You rely on a search engine to be a bit clairvoyant and guess that you are looking for a place in Denver to eat. As an exercise, choose a search engine and type in your company’s name. If you have a very unique company name, there’s a strong likelihood that your company will appear high on the first page. If you pay for Google Adwords, you may appear in the top paid spots.
The challenge in search-engine optimization comes when you have a common name or you provide a common service. The search engine has a difficult time narrowing in on what you want. Do you want to buy a product or service? Are you looking for the nearest retailer who offers the product or service? Maybe you’re looking for Spider Trainers because we provide go-to-market for that particular product or service.
Spider Trainers’ search-engine optimization services can get you the ideal results. We’ve done this time and time again and we will successfully do it for your company too.
Learn more
To learn more about Spider Trainers’ search-engine optimization services, click a related-topic link below, call 928 358 5398, send Spider Trainers an email, or visit the Spider Trainers’ contact page.
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