“How do we tell the world about our product?…”
Marketing your company is probably not new to you, but today’s available channels may be. Marketing has shifted from traditional offline techniques such as direct mail, television, radio, and newspaper advertisements, and the like to include — or be dominated by — online electronic messaging such as email, blogging, pay-per-click ads, display ads, social-media participation, and more.
Spider Trainers creates comprehensive, multi-touch marketing campaigns with targeted landing pages that are designed to not just drive traffic, but also to help expose visitor behavior so that we become smarter about what works and what doesn’t. We build small and expansive marketing campaigns, segment lists, and analyze results — Spider Trainers’ marketing campaigns are designed with the all-important conversion funnel in mind.
Current content, number of visitors, length of the visit, number of links clicked during the visit, and much more contribute to your success on the web. Spider Trainers uses online and offline marketing events to drive visitors to your web site, learn about their behavior, and expose their readiness to purchase or engage your company. We create all types of events, resources, and campaigns all to identify qualified visitors and then get them to your site. The difference between your site and your competitors’ will be marketing.
A product’s marketing strategy involves whom the company will pursue as a customer and what it will offer them. Whereas the go-to-market strategy will define how to attract customers, the marketing strategy must define who is the customer and what to offer so that they are converted from a visitor (prospect) to a customer (buyer). This is called the funnel process and it is critical for long-term success. Once you understand your visitors’ behavior and to which offers they respond, a successful approach can be applied again to other types of interaction to improve the funnel process.
Learn more
To learn more about Spider Trainers’ email-marketing services, click a related-topic link below, call 928-358-5398, send Spider Trainers an email, or visit the Spider Trainers’ contact page.